Website nominated
We are very proud to announce, that the E-VOLVE Cluster Website is nominated for the Web Award.
Please have a look und the following link.
A vote for us would be highly appreciated!
We are very proud to announce, that the E-VOLVE Cluster Website is nominated for the Web Award.
Please have a look und the following link.
A vote for us would be highly appreciated!
New paper on energy saving potential of X-by-wire chassis systems of electric vehicles, prepared in cooperation between AUDI AG, Technische Universität Ilmenau, AVL and Armengaud Innovate GmbH with the results of EVC1000 Project can be downloaded here:
Here is the latest cluster newsletter for you. This issue honors success stories of two of our partner projects. Check it out!
New year, new projects, new look!
Here’s the latest from the cluster!
Another edition of our newsletter is out!
Here’s the latest of our cluster for you to enjoy!
Cluster Newsletter Number 4 is ready for you!
The 3rd edition of our cluster newsletter is out!
The 2nd Newsletter is available!