Welcome new member: EFFEREST

We are very honored to introduce to you another new member of the E-VOLVE Cluster, the Horizon Europe project EFFERST: EFFicient user-centric EneRgy managEment SysTems for optimized EVs

EFFEREST aims to advance energy-efficient electric vehicle designs by novel use of data and matching enhanced user acceptance with efficient vehicle operation. Real fleet behavior knowledge will be used to make significant enhancements. Users will benefit from personalized data and the option to choose vehicle performance, encouraging energy savings during regular usage. The project involves 10 partners from industry and research, covering the entire EV value chain.

Ultimately, EFFEREST seeks to enhance Europe’s competitiveness, strengthening industrial leadership in digital, enabling, and emerging technologies to make EVs more appealing to the global mass market.

The EFFEREST project represents a significant step forward in the journey for greener transportation solutions.

Supported by CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, the project is contributing to the goals of 2Zero .

If you want to find out more about the project visit their website or follow EFFEREST on LinkedIn.

Welcome new member: VOLTCAR

We are happy to announce our cluster has a new member, the project VOLTCAR: New electrical motor technology for the vehicle industry

To fight climate change, the transportation sector has been transitioning towards electric vehicles. Unfortunately, despite the benefits of such a move, the dependence of current electric traction motors on rare earth permanent magnet materials is costly and causes supply risk. 

The EU-funded VOLTCAR project will provide a revolutionary technology that allows for an impactful reduction of these materials while exceeding the state-of-art performance, cost and reliability requirements. The renewed design methodology and resulting novel high-speed motor could offer improved sustainability, allowing for circular value chains, recycling and reduced use of rare resources. Moreover, it would improve the power density of the motors and the energy efficiency of the vehicles and finally offer improved durability and lower costs.

The project, sister project to cluster members EM-TECH project and MAXIMA is coordinated by VTTJenni Pippuri-Mäkeläinen, Communication and Dissemination lead RTD Talos Melinda Danai Kathy. Supported by CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, the project is contributing to the goals of 2Zero .

To learn more about Voltcar ProjectWebsite.

Welcome New Member: MAXIMA

We are more than happy to welcome a new member to the E-VOLVE cluster: The MAXIMA project, started in February 2023 and comprising 11 partners from 6 European Countries.

MAXIMA aims to create a low-cost modular permanent magnet axial flux electrical machine with improved performance, and with a low environmental impact that caters specifically to the needs of the automotive market. 

To achieve this, MAXIMA will develop an advanced multiphysics design procedure that includes new thermal management concepts. A digital twin will also be built to develop an optimal control strategy to operate the electrical machine up to the limit. 

The end-of-life of the electrical machine will also be considered, with a focus on recycling the permanent magnet made from critical raw materials. MAXIMA will conduct a life cycle assessment for every solution, analyzing its impact throughout the lifecycle, with the goal of minimizing the environmental impact. 

At the end of the project, prototypes will be manufactured for testing, assessment, and validation of the new concepts addressed in MAXIMA related to the modular design of the electrical machine, the optimal control based on the digital twin and the manufacturing/recycling process flow.  

Read more about MAXIMA and browse through their website and social media in our section “Active Members“.

WELCOME MAXIMA, we’re happy to have you a board and are looking forward to our cooperation.