Entries by evolve

Meet E-VOLVE @ #TRA2024 

The TRA 2024 in Dublin is just around the corner and from the E-VOLVE cluster perspective, we are very much looking forward to having the possibility to present our activities, our member projects and exchange with many projects and initiatives.   When visiting the TRA, don’t miss to step by:   🔹 EC Lunchtime Session: Together with […]


We are looking forward to all presentations of the RTR conference 2024. The E-VOLVE cluster member projects EU Project Multi-Moby, PowerDriveEU, RHODaS, HiPE and HighScape are presenting as well; swipe to mark your calendars. And in case you are not in Brussels these days, check out the RTR website and follow the live stream: https://rtrconference.eu/

Welcome new member: VOLTCAR

We are happy to announce our cluster has a new member, the project VOLTCAR: New electrical motor technology for the vehicle industry To fight climate change, the transportation sector has been transitioning towards electric vehicles. Unfortunately, despite the benefits of such a move, the dependence of current electric traction motors on rare earth permanent magnet materials […]

E-VOLVE Cluster Newsletter 12/23

Ready for some updates? Here is our latest newsletter with all that has been happening in the projects. Welcome to our new cluster member MAXIMA and check out where the cluster projects will be present in the coming months.

Welcome New Member: MAXIMA

We are more than happy to welcome a new member to the E-VOLVE cluster: The MAXIMA project, started in February 2023 and comprising 11 partners from 6 European Countries. MAXIMA aims to create a low-cost modular permanent magnet axial flux electrical machine with improved performance, and with a low environmental impact that caters specifically to […]

How to achieve 100 % sustainable mobility? Circular Economy – from Cradle to Grave and back to Cradle

On November 16 and 17, the 18th A3PS – Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems Conference Eco-Mobility 2023 took place in Vienna and the E-VOLVE cluster and all partner projects have been presented by Eric Armengaud, leading the working group “industrialization and exploitation” of the cluster. This year’s theme of the conference was “How to achieve […]